Having hemorrhoids could prove to be quite an ordeal. Aside from the pain and discomfort that it brings, hemorrhoids can also hinder you from living a normal life. If you find yourself in this situation, you should do something about it right away to prevent it from getting worse.
There are many ways to treat hemroids these days. One is by increasing the dietary fiber intake. Hemorrhoids are usually aggravated by the shearing or force exerted during bowel movements so it is best to avoid doing so. The best way to avoid shearing when answering the call of nature is to make sure that your stool is in the "ideal" form so your body could expel it naturally without extra force exerted. A soft and large stool is easily pushed out through the anal canal by the gentle pressure waves in the large intestine.
A hard, dry, and small stool on the other hand is quite hard to expel and that is when we need to exert extra force through the abdominal muscles. Though eating a high fiber diet may not cure the existing hemorrhoids, it can help prevent any further damage brought by a difficult bowel movement.
The recommended daily intake of fiber is 20-30 grams. Foods with high fiber content are vegetables, fresh and dried fruits, cereals, and grains. Supplementary fibers such as methylcellulose, psyllium, or calcium polycarbophil could also be used to increase fiber intake. Stool softeners and increase in liquid intake is also recommended.
Over the counter products are also available for hemorrhoid treatment. Gels, creams, and ointments are usually used by applying them thinly as a coating around the anus. These products could also be applied in the anal canal itself. When you are advised to do so, it is best to use a pile pipe that has holes on the sides and at the end. Remember to lubricate first the pile pipe with an ointment before insertion into the anal canal.
Local anesthetics are also used for hemorrhoid patients to temporarily relieve them of the pain, itching, and burning by numbing nerve endings. However, local anesthetics have a limited use to the lower anal canal and the perianal area. Moreover, some people experience allergic reactions - with itching and burning, to this product.
Chemicals that resemble epinephrine and are called vasoconstrictors could also be used to treat hemorrhoids. Vasoconstrictors are applied to the anus to make the blood vessels smaller and may reduce swelling. It also has a mild anesthetic effect that reduces pain and itching. There are also vasoconstrictors that can be taken orally or through injections but the one that is applied to the perianal area poses a lower risk of side effects such as nervousness, tremor, high blood pressure, sleeplessness, hyperthyroidism, and aggravation of diabetes.